About Integrated Systems Design: Supplier Diversity Solution
Integrated Systems Design, LLC. (ISD) established in 1998, is a member of the National Minority Supplier Development Council. ISD is the first company in the United States to develop a national reporting, tracking and validation system.
Integrated Systems Design provides an online automated verification and tracking system that verifies and reports diversity expenditures by company, division, and organization. Our primary goal is to ensure the tiered dollars reported are accurate.
We strongly agree that doing business with diversity suppliers is the right choice. Corporations throughout the country realize that diversity suppliers in their supply base positively impact their bottom line.
Additionally, diversity owned businesses contribute over $2.5 trillion in sales to the U.S. economy.
Proudly supporting minority businesses across the globe.
Diversity Solutions
Reach customers wanting to do business with corporations with strong supplier diversity and inclusion programs. Create a competitive advantage by reducing costs and increasing supply. Supporting minority-owned and small businesses in your community will help show your support for that community.
Many of today’s major corporations participate in some type of supplier diversity initiative. One of the most important components of these programs is regular reporting of progress towards desired goals and objectives.
The stakes are higher in program investments, management, marketing, and reporting of performance metrics as more organizations shift from compliance-driven programs to market-driven ones.
In addition, these companies provide investors, board members, government agencies and other stakeholders with real value: a benchmark from which to evaluate and compare supplier diversity program performance and impact.
For publicly traded companies, comprehensive quantitative disclosure requirements will become more commonplace. Managing supplier relationships in this way will become a model for broader risk management and supplier relationships.
Also, a greater emphasis is being placed on Tier 2 spend tracking and reporting which is one of the key features of the ISD online verification and tracking system.
Competitive Advantage
Integrated Systems Design, LLC., provides a total end-to-end application using our diversity system tool for data classification and validation for your suppliers.
ISD is the first company nationally to develop and implement a national diversity reporting, tracking, and validation system with a competitive advantage.
Your reporting process will reflect that accurate diversity spending is reported and verified; there will be non-duplicated reporting that identifies them by company.
We can cross reference all reporting of diversity dollars with each minority-owned business/women-owned business.
This is essential because this process ensures the accuracy of reporting and establishes measurements and accountability.
Learn more about Integrated Systems Design, Contact Us Today.
Diversity Business Process
System Diversity Management
- Program Management
- Outreach
- Training
- Multiple OEM’s
Supplier Mentoring & Development
- Strategic Development
- Sourcing Pipeline
- Expectations to Tier 1
Program Development
- Data Collection
- Program Enhancements
- System Features
- Discrepancies Reports
Spend Reporting, Tracking, and Validation
- Spend Forecasting
- Spend Reporting
- Spend Tracking
- Multiple Locations
Risk Management Reporting and Tracking
- Supplier External Data
- Search Access
Supplier Assessment
- Financial
- Strategic
- Operational
- Audit Reports
The need to create a supplier diversity program is not just important for your business, but for the community around your business. Utilizing local, diverse suppliers creates brand loyalty between the business and its customer base.
For a company to remain competitive in today’s market, it is crucial to implement a supplier diversity program that supports your company’s overall mission and goals, which are essential to its success. Diversity among suppliers will lead to job creation, increased competitiveness, and increased investment in local communities.
It is important that policy be implemented within a company’s business plan when you start a Supplier Diversity program.
Today, it is not sufficient to incorporate Supplier Diversity into procurement alone, it is necessary to incorporate it into the company’s overall business strategy.
There should be an executive that takes the lead in establishing supplier diversity principles, initiatives, and goals that drive top level executives to support Supplier Diversity within the company.
The adoption of new policies and practices by the entire workforce will be a lot easier if you are able to obtain top-level leadership support, in combination with a strong change in management process.
Learn more about Integrated Systems Design, Get In Touch.